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Unilorin senate to hold 292nd meeting, considers final year and goodstanding results - TEAM PLATO REPORTS

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Unilorin senate to hold 292nd meeting, considers final year and goodstanding results

Unilorin senate to hold 292nd meeting, considers final year and goodstanding results 

The Senate of the University of Ilorin, UNILORIN to hold 292nd meeting of senate, TEAM PLATO gathered.

The meeting is expected to capture all the following below;

Notice is hereby given that the 292nd Meeting of Senate is scheduled to hold as follows:

Date: Monday, 19th December, 2022

Time: 1pm

Venue: University Auditorium


  1. Opening;
  2. Crossover of New Professors to the Professorial Seat;
  3. Consideration and Adoption of the Minutes of the 289th, 290th and 291st Meetings of Senate;
  4. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes of Senate;
  5. Election of Deputy Vice Chancellors;
  6. Election of 1 Senate Representative to Council;
  7. Consideration of all Outstanding Routine Matters;
  8. Consideration of Final Year Results (Presentation II);
  9. Consideration of Goodstanding
  10. Any other Business; and
  11. Ajournment and Closing.

Members are enjoined to attend punctually, please.

Thank you

Ebun Osagbemi
For: DR Senate


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